I decided to put my (generated by a script that parses guixes commit messages) summary of added/updated packages per week on a subpage of my blog, but am unsure what direction I should go with it. Originally, when I started using Guix, I wrote a small script that would send me such a summary each sunday via mail, as I was waiting for packages making their way into guix proper and was generally interested in what cool stuff got added. My proof of concept for this is currently available here: This Week In Guix -- literatelisp.eu
I would appreciate feedback if a. such a summary is useful for others as well and b. if there are other information that should be added there? I tend to keep notes on interesting discussions and things on guix-devel or the fediverse in my denote journal, and could maybe include those? Maybe include if there was an announcement on the info-guix mailing list? The latter could be scripted, for the things that require manual labour I’m not sure if I could do that every week, every other or irregularly would probably be possible. Autogenerating everything feels soulless so curating a few additional infos, posts and resources may actually be a worthwhile and good thing?
I was hoping for something like the “This week in KDE” as published by Nate Graham. IMHO this should be added to the official Guix blog, subscribable via email and getting Phoronix to publish a excerpt.
It’s looking good so far. I think other newsleters use some more script to scrape sites such as reddit. I wonder if there is a body of script for grabbing this. Some of it will have to be manual but maybe some news from forums like this could be added. Maybe some blog posts from planet.gnu.org?
Looks pretty nice. I’d suggest not making the font-size 1.5rem for the main body text. Users can configure their ideal main font size in the browser, which should be 1.0rem, which is what you should generally use for body text. Use larger sizes for headings, etc. Using a size this large means that everything’s larger than it needs to be, so less text fits on the screen, and users have to scroll more to see it.
Also, there’s probably too much vertical padding in each table row. Again, it makes the density too low and requires too much scrolling. By default, at the top of the page, I can only see 6 packages on the screen.
Great idea! I subscribed to the RSS feed, but noticed the links for the posts aren’t being generated properly. For example, the most recent post can be found at https://me.literatelisp.eu/this-week-in-guix/week-34-in-guix.html, however the RSS feed incorrectly points to https://me.literatelisp.eu/week-34-in-guix.html (404 error).