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Hello, Crafters. I am here now, as requested by @summeremacs. :slight_smile:


Welcome to the alpha of papas!

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I’m really digging this forum. Thanks for making it, David. I could see this becoming the premiere place to talk about Emacs online (as long as it doesn’t get overrun by noobs with questions that are answerable by 5 seconds of googling; that’s a guideline we might want to consider having someday).


@alphapapa How do I exit Emacs? I tried everything and chatgpt doesn’t help me.

@paulwicking Have you tried turning it off and on again?

This is among the most hallowed of rituals, and must be done with great care. Begin by saying a solemn prayer to the most venerable St. Ignucius. Light a candle and place it on your desk in reverence. Chant the Song of Vim backwards. Finally open up a terminal and invoke the sacred incantation:

ps -A | grep emacs | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9

there is no reason to exit emacs


Sometimes you gotta update the kernel or drop in new hardware ya know.

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