This previous evening I tried to get a better handle on some of the expansions offered by org capture templates.
My history with org capture has been a bit contentious as it always seems to be the first thing to break on me and as a result I’ve opted to keep my capture templates as short as possible by offloading most of the actual templating to yas-snippet and having the template be just the trigger. (honestly might be the best solution in terms of not getting side-tracked).
Part of the trouble is I’m not actually sure what I should expect to see when using some of the prompt expansions with org-capture.
Allow me to illustrate:
This is the template I attempted to create for myself:
(setq org-capture-templates
("s" "School" entry (file "~/.notes/")
"* TODO %^{PROMPT|ECE484|ECE463|ENGR446|ECON180} - \
%^{PROMPT|Assignment|Midterm} %^{PROMPT} %^{PROMPT}\n \
:CREATED: %U\n \
:DEADLINE: %^t\n \
:SCHEDULED: %^t\n \
:END:\n \
%?" :empty-lines-after 1))
If I trigger the capture (in GUI emacs) however this is what I see:
Presumably it should not look like this.
Like maybe I would expect the pre-programmed options for the prompt to appear sure, but not the %
or ^
that is part of the capture template syntax. But maybe this is how it behaves? The org-capture documentation does not show an example.
Expectations aside the ^
that is part of the %^{PROMPT}
appears to be triggering the org-pretty-entities
for superscript.
Also for some reason there’s a whole bunch of spaces between the -
and where the prompt for Assignment|Midterm is supposed to be. I guess this is a result of my formatting in my org-conf.el
where I break the template across multiple lines.
As can be seen above the prompts do complete. The formatting is just jacked up and kind of an eye sore.
I did create a much simpler capture as a test:
("z" "Test capture" entry (file "~/.notes/")
"* TODO %^{PROMPT|Test1|Test2|Test3}\n \
%?" :empty-lines-after 1)
Which looks like this when triggered:
Which isn’t totally consistent with the other template. None of the pre-programmed options for the prompt are visible but the %?
Should I be seeing the
or the$?
or even the prompt values in the capture template when it’s triggered? -
How should I be breaking a long capture template across multiple lines without formatting issues?
For context this is my org-capture-templates
Presumably this is what is causing the goofy formatting.
My org-mode config
org-conf.el (6.7 KB)
I am sure I’ve not actually included all the necessary information to fully diagnose what is happening but I am jet lagged and as my template might suggest, I have class in the morning. So please bear with me.