Line appears on images when setting default to variable-pitch in org-present


I followed the tutorial about org-present (The Secrets of My Emacs Presentation Style - System Crafters) but when I present an image it shows a weird line in the middle of it. Removing the line (default (:height 1.5) variable-pitch) in my/org-present-start fixes the issue but then I can’t use the variable-pitch font.

I created an archive to test it (can not upload it here so here’s a link

tar -xvzf test_sc.tar.gz
cd .org-present-emacs.d
emacs --init-directory .
M-x org-present

And you should see this:

I had a similar issue with pdf-tools and evil a green border around the pages, the solution was trying different evil cursor options.

(defun my/pdf-view-hook-function ()
  (set (make-local-variable 'evil-normal-state-cursor) (list nil))
  (set (make-local-variable 'evil-evilified-state-cursor) (list nil))
  (set (make-local-variable 'evil-emacs-state-cursor) (list nil))
(add-hook 'pdf-view-mode-hook 'my/pdf-view-hook-function)

Sadly this won’t work for me since I’m not using evil. I’m using the snippet from the tutorial as you can see in this github gist: init.el · GitHub (you’ll need to save the image below as calvin_hobbes.jpg for it to work)
