Hey all, I have seen some of the charm.sh applications and the BubbleTea framework before but I didn’t know about Gum. It calls a single Go binary to enable fairly extensive interactions for a shell script. You don’t write any Go.
I’m going to test it out for a couple interactive helper scripts that I use. Just wanted to share in case anyone was interested. Sorry it’s old gnuws!
I don’t know about cool but I did scratch my own itch. I made a small script to add photos to my Hugo static site and capturing tagging information easier. The forum doesn’t support the video formats I tried uploading so here’s a link to 1 min demo on Mastodon:
Yeah, there are some neat git use cases, especially searching for commit hashes based on commit messages, etc. I generally use magit for everything that’s non-trivial git. While that’s true, I’m also trying to earn my way back into the good graces of the community
You’re welcome . Keep in mind that the appearance and behavior of completing-read depends on other packages. My demo shows how completing-read looks like when used with vertico.