Guix shell not showing mentioned program inside the shell environment

Any time I do guix shell meson for example, I can’t run meson inside the shell environment, it is installed in the gnu store but I have to do full path to run it, like /gnu/store/LONG-HASH-meson/bin/meson.

This started happening after I started using guix home services like home-environment-variables-service-type, home-zsh-service-type etc, as I wanted to manage all my dotfiles using guix home.

I can’t find anything in my configuration files that could cause this issue.

Here my relevant guix home configuration,

    (simple-service 'profile-env-vars-service
                    `(;; Sort hidden (dot) files first in `ls` listings
                      ("LC_COLLATE" . "C")

                      ("VISUAL" . "nvim")
                      ("EDITOR" . "nvim")
                      ("READER" . "zathura")
                      ("TERMINAL" . "st")
                      ("BROWSER" . "firefox")
                      ("VIDEO" . "mpv")
                      ("IMAGE" . "sxiv")
                      ("COLORTERM" . "truecolor")
                      ("OPENER" . "xdg-open")
                      ("PAGER" . "less")

                      ("LESSHISTFILE" . "-")
                      ("ANDROID_HOME" . "$XDG_DATA_HOME/android")
                      ("DOOMDIR" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/doom")
                      ("EMACSDIR" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/emacs")
                      ("XINITRC" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/X11/xinitrc")
                      ("XSERVERRC" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/X11/xserverrc")
                      ;; ("XAUTHORITY" . "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR") "/Xauthority"))
                      ;; ("XCURSOR_PATH" . "/usr/share/icons:$XDG_DATA_HOME/icons")
                      ("USERXSESSION" . "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/X11/xsession")
                      ("USERXSESSIONRC" . "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/X11/xsessionrc")
                      ("ALTUSERXSESSION" . "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/X11/Xsession")
                      ("INPUTRC" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/readline/inputrc")
                      ("ERRFILE" . "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/X11/xsession-errors")
                      ("GNUPGHOME" . "$XDG_DATA_HOME/gnupg")
                      ("_JAVA_OPTIONS" . "-Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/java")
                      ("GTK2_RC_FILES" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-2.0/gtkrc")
                      ;; ("ZDOTDIR" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh")
                      ("CARGO_HOME" . "$XDG_DATA_HOME/cargo")
                      ("RUSTUP_HOME" . "$XDG_DATA_HOME/rustup")
                      ;; ("GOPATH" . "$XDG_DATA_HOME/go")
                      ("RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ripgrep/ripgreprc")
                      ("XMONAD_CONFIG_HOME" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xmonad")
                      ("XMONAD_DATA_HOME" . "$XDG_DATA_HOME/xmonad")
                      ("XMONAD_CACHE_HOME" . "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/xmonad")
                      ("WGETRC" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wget/wgetrc")
                      ("PASSWORD_STORE_DIR" . "$XDG_DATA_HOME/password-store")
                      ("WINEPREFIX" . "$XDG_DATA_HOME/wineprefixes/default")
                      ("GEM_SPEC_CACHE" . "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/gem")
                      ("VAGRANT_HOME" . "$XDG_DATA_HOME/vagrant")
                      ("STARSHIP_CONFIG" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/starship/starship.toml")
                      ("STARSHIP_CACHE" . "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/starship/cache")

                      ;; Add some things to $PATH (maybe integrate into other services?)
                      ("PATH" . ,(string-append "$HOME/.local/bin:"
                                                ;; "$GOPATH/bin:"
                                                ;; "/opt/flutter/:"
                                                ;; "/opt/flutter/bin:"
                                                ;; "$HOME/Applications:"

                      ;; Make sure Flatpak apps are visible
                      ("XDG_DATA_DIRS" . "$XDG_DATA_DIRS:$HOME/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share")

                      ,@(if (equal? (gethostname) "MachineX")
                            ;; Required for steam on systems with Nvidia GPU
                            '(("QT_X11_NO_MITSHM" . "1")
                              ;; Required to mount external drive for container
                              ("GUIX_SANDBOX_EXTRA_SHARES" . "/home/apoorv/Games"))

                      ;; Set Wayland-specific environment variables
                      ,@(if wayland?
                            '(("RTC_USE_PIPEWIRE" . "true")
                              ("SDL_VIDEODRIVER" . "wayland")
                              ("MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND" . "1")
                              ;; ("CLUTTER_BACKEND" . "wayland")
                              ;; ("ELM_ENGINE" . "wayland_egl")
                              ;; ("ECORE_EVAS_ENGINE" . "wayland-egl")
                              ("QT_QPA_PLATFORM" . "wayland-egl")
                              ("QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME" . "qt5ct")
                              ("QT_WAYLAND_DISABLE_WINDOWDECORATION" . "1")
                              ("XCURSOR_SIZE" . "24")
                              ;; ("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" . "river")
                              ;; ("XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" . "river")
                              ("XDG_CURRENT_SESSION_TYPE" . "wayland")
                              ("MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND" . "1")
                              ("GDK_BACKEND" . "wayland=x11")
                              ("_JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING" . "1"))
    (service home-files-service-type
             `((".dwm/" ,(local-file "files/configs/.dwm/" #:recursive? #t))
               (".vimrc" ,(local-file "files/configs/vimrc"))
               (".guile" ,(local-file "files/configs/guile"))
               ;; (".Xdefaults" ,xdefaults)
               ;; (".local/share/gnupg/gpg.conf" ,gpg.conf)
               (".local/share/gnupg/gpg-agent.conf" ,gpg-agent-conf)))
    (service home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type
             `(("alacritty/alacritty.yml" ,(local-file "files/configs/alacritty/alacritty.yml"))
               ("htop/htoprc" ,(local-file "files/configs/htop/htoprc"))
               ("pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf" ,(local-file "files/configs/pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf"))
               ("gdb/gdbinit" ,(local-file "files/configs/gdb/gdbinit"))
               ("mpv/mpv.conf" ,(local-file "files/configs/mpv/mpv.conf"))
               ("nano/nanorc" ,(local-file "files/configs/nano/nanorc"))
               ("wget/wgetrc" ,(local-file "files/configs/wget/wgetrc"))))
    ;; Bash service
    (service home-bash-service-type
              (guix-defaults? #t)
               `(("HISTTIMEFORMAT" . "%F %T ")
                 ("HISTSIZE" . "10000")
                 ("HISTFILESIZE" . "10000")
                 ("HISTCONTROL" . "ignoredups")
                 ;; ("HISTFILE" . ,(string-append (getenv "XDG_STATE_HOME") "/bash/history"))))
                 ("HISTFILE" . "$XDG_STATE_HOME/bash/history")))
               `(("rm" . "rm -iv")
                 ("cp" . "cp -iv")
                 ("mv" . "mv -iv")
                 ("config" .
                  ,(if guix-system?
                       `(string-append ,(file-append git "/bin/git") " --git-dir=/home/apoorv/repos/dotfiles --work-tree=/home/apoorv")
                       `("/usr/bin/git --git-dir=/home/apoorv/repos/dotfiles --work-tree=/home/apoorv")))
                 ("vim". "nvim")
                 ("ls" . "exa --icons")
                 ("ll" . "exa -lh --icons")
                 ("la" . "exa -lah --icons")
                 ("ld" . "exa -lah --group-directories-first --icons")
                 ;; ("mbsync" . ,(string-append "mbsync -c" (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME") "/isync/mbsyncrc"))
                 ("mbsync" . "mbsync -c \"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"/isync/mbsyncrc")
                 ("ip" . "ip -color")
                 ("radeontop" . "radeontop --color")
                 ;; ("gdb" . ,(string-append "gdb -n -x" (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME") "/gdb/init"))
                 ;; ("wget" . ,(string-append "wget --hsts-file=" (getenv "XDG_DATA_HOME") "/wget/wget-history"))
                 ("gdb" . "gdb -n -x $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gdb/init")
                 ("wget" . "wget --hsts-file=\"$XDG_DATA_HOME/wget/wget-history\"")
                 ("diff" . "diff --color=always")
                 ("grep" . "grep --color=auto")
                 ("ydown" . "youtube-dl --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata")
                 ("ydownall" . "youtube-dl --download-archive downloaded.txt -iv")
                 ("ydownallaudio" . "youtube-dl --download-archive downloaded.txt -ixv")
                 ("ydownaudio" . "youtube-dl -f bestaudio --extract-audio --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata")
                 ("yformat" . "youtube-dl -F")
                 ("yplay" . ,(string-append "mpv --no-audio-display"
                                            " --term-osd force"
                                            " --term-osd-bar"
                                            " --term-osd-bar-chars [##-]"
                                            " --ytdl"
                                            " --ytdl-format=\"mp4[height<=?480] --ytdl-raw-options=playlist-start=1\""))
                 ("yy" . ,(string-append "mpv --really-quiet"
                                         " --autofit=25%"
                                         " --geometry=-25-40"
                                         " --ytdl"
                                         " --ytdl-format=\"mp4[height<=?1080]\""
                                         " --ytdl-raw-options=playlist-start=1"))
                 ("ssha" . "eval $(ssh-agent) && ssh-add")
                 ("wgu" . "sudo wg-quick up wg0")
                 ("wgd" . "sudo wg-quick down wg0")
                 ("pacin" . ,(string-append "pacman -Slq"
                                            " | "
                                            "fzf -m"
                                            " --preview"
                                            " 'cat <(pacman -Si {1})"
                                            " <(pacman -Fl {1}"
                                            " | "
                                            "awk \"{print $2}\")'"
                                            " | "
                                            " xargs -ro sudo pacman -S"))
                 ("paruin" . ,(string-append "paru -Slq"
                                             " | "
                                             "fzf -m"
                                             " --preview"
                                             " 'cat <(paru -Si {1})"
                                             " <(paru -Fl {1}"
                                             " | "
                                             " awk \"{print $2}\")'"
                                             " | "
                                             " xargs -ro  paru -S"))
                 ("pacrem" . "pacman -Qq | fzf --multi --preview 'pacman -Qi {1}' | xargs -ro sudo pacman -Rns")
                 ("installed" . "grep -i installed /var/log/pacman.log")
                 ("mkgrub" . "sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg")
                 ("es" . ,(string-append "find ~/.local/bin/scripts"
                                         " -type f"
                                         " | "
                                         "fzf --height 15"
                                         " --margin 1,60,1,1"
                                         " --header \"Edit scripts\""
                                         " --header-first"
                                         " | "
                                         "xargs -I{} nvim {}"))
                 ("ec" . ,(string-append "find ~/.config/"
                                         " -type f"
                                         " | "
                                         "fzf --height 15"
                                         " --margin 1,60,1,1"
                                         " --header \"Edit configs\""
                                         " --header-first"
                                         " | "
                                         " xargs -I{} nvim {}"))))
                (local-file "files/shell/bash/profile")))
                ;; (computed-file "bashrc"
                ;;                #~(begin
                ;;                    (use-modules (ice-9 textual-ports))
                ;;                    (call-with-output-file #$output
                ;;                      (lambda (port)
                ;;                        (put-string port (string-append "source " #$blesh "/share/blesh/" "\n"))))))
                (mixed-text-file "bashrc"
                                 #~(string-append "source " #$(file-append (specification->package "blesh") "/share/blesh/" "\n")))
                (local-file "files/shell/bash/prompt")
                (local-file "files/shell/functions")))))
    ;; Zsh service
    (service home-zsh-service-type
              (xdg-flavor? #t)
               `(("HISTFILE" . "$XDG_STATE_HOME/zsh/history")
                 ("HISTSIZE" . "10000")
                 ("SAVEHIST" . "10000")))
                (local-file "files/shell/zsh/zshenv")))
                (local-file "files/shell/zsh/zprofile")))
                ;; (local-file "files/shell/zsh/config")
                (local-file "files/shell/zsh/completions")
                (mixed-text-file "zshrc"
                                    "# direnv hook zsh\n"
                                    "_direnv_hook() {\n"
                                    "  trap -- '' SIGINT;\n"
                                    "  eval \"$(\"" #$(file-append (specification->package "direnv")
                                                                   "/bin/direnv")"\" export zsh)\";\n"
                                                                   "  trap - SIGINT;\n"
                (local-file "files/shell/zsh/direnv")
                (local-file "files/shell/zsh/fzf")
                (local-file "files/shell/zsh/keybinds")
                (local-file "files/shell/zsh/prompt")
                (local-file "files/shell/zsh/source")
                (local-file "files/shell/zsh/startup")
                (local-file "files/shell/functions")
                    "source "
                    #$(file-append (specification->package "zsh-syntax-highlighting")
                                   "/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh" "\n")))
                    "source "
                    #$(file-append (specification->package "zsh-history-substring-search")
                                   "/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-history-substring-search/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh" "\n")))
                    #$(file-append (specification->package "zsh-completions")
                                   "share/zsh/site-functions/\"" "\n")))
                    "source "
                    #$(file-append (specification->package "zsh-autosuggestions")
                                   "/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh" "\n")))
                    "source "
                    #$(file-append (specification->package "zsh-autopair")

  ;; Other services below..

I can share more if needed.

Also, I have nix service enabled and after switching to using guix home for all my dotfiles management, dmenu (my program launcher) doesn’t show programs installed via nix. Before using guix home dmenu did use to show programs from nix

I had this issue when I started using guix home. I had to add this at the end of bash_profile, so the default profile is .guix-profile and not .guix-home. I’m not sure if this is recommended or not but it works.

# Source guix-profile
export GUIX_PROFILE=~/.guix-profile
. $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile

I use zsh and I already have this in my zshenv file,

    ;; Zsh service
    (service home-zsh-service-type
              (xdg-flavor? #t)
               `(("HISTFILE" . "$XDG_STATE_HOME/zsh/history")
                 ("HISTSIZE" . "10000")
                 ("SAVEHIST" . "10000")))
                (local-file "files/shell/zsh/zshenv")))

This is the files/shell/zsh/zshenv file,

# Guix
GUIX_PROFILE="/home/apoorv/.config/guix/current" . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"

# Load the nix profile
if [ -f "/run/current-system/profile/etc/profile.d/" ]; then
    source /run/current-system/profile/etc/profile.d/

if [ -f "$HOME/.profile" ]; then
    source "$HOME"/.profile

xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

But no luck.

Does it specifically have to be ~/.guix-profile?

ATM if I do, echo $GUIX_PROFILE,


Yes this was a bit confusing for me $GUIX_PROFILE is used as a temporary variable only to source the profiles and its final value is irrelevant ( this is my understanding, I might be wrong). guix-home does not source the .guix-profile/etc/profile by default. Maybe you could try with . .guix-profile/etc/profile and see if everything works.

My understanding is that guix-home works as a separate profile so you would have a minimum of two profiles if you use guix-home.

Does it specifically have to be ~/.guix-profile?. I initially assumed that guix-home replaced this with guix-home but it does not seem to be the case and .guix-profile seems to be required.

I see, but ~/.guix-profile/etc/profile is empty (as in everything is commented out),

  cat .guix-profile/etc/profile
# Source this file to define all the relevant environment variables in Bash
# for this profile.  You may want to define the 'GUIX_PROFILE' environment
# variable to point to the "visible" name of the profile, like this:
#  GUIX_PROFILE=/path/to/profile ; \
#  source /path/to/profile/etc/profile
# When GUIX_PROFILE is undefined, the various environment variables refer
# to this specific profile generation.

I tried . .guix-profile/etc/profile then guix shell meson but still same issue.

One thing I would like to add (might be related) is that on this guix system I had ~/.zprofile file created (its not mine as in I don’t checkout this file in my dotfiles repo and I have never used this either) its not managed by guix store though.

And it had,

# TODO: This causes problem with dmenu not being able to find
# any programs installed via guix-home so commenting it out for now.
# Merge search-paths from multiple profiles, the order matters.
# eval "$(guix package --search-paths \
# -p $HOME/.config/guix/current \
# -p $HOME/.guix-profile \
# -p /run/current-system/profile)"

# Prepend setuid programs.
export PATH=/run/setuid-programs:$PATH

Now I am doing this,

                (local-file "files/shell/zsh/zprofile")))

but I have commented out the eval section because if I uncomment it out none of the programs I have installed via guix home shows up in dmenu.

Though if I leave it uncommented but don’t mange this with guix home and just a regular file its fine everything works…

Very strange behavior.

I forgot to mention that setting guix/current manually is probably wrong (I have not seen this in the documentation or in any guix config).

Could you try removing this line? .

GUIX_PROFILE="/home/apoorv/.config/guix/current" . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"

And also try guix install so see in which profile it is installed.

I remember that I had this issue when I was using XFCE, bash_profile was not sourced. I had to login to the command line (using agetty) and then launch xfce in bash_profile . I’m using sway now and use the same method.

1 Like

OK, so I updated my system both guix home and guix system and also commented this out,

# Guix
# GUIX_PROFILE="/home/apoorv/.config/guix/current" . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"

now guix shell works as expected. I un-commented it again to see if its the cause of the problem, and it is indeed.

BTW after commenting it out, $GUIX_PROFILE’s value is still same as before,


Strange that this and also this,

# TODO: This causes problem with dmenu not being able to find
# any programs installed via guix-home so commenting it out for now.
# Merge search-paths from multiple profiles, the order matters.
# eval "$(guix package --search-paths \
# -p $HOME/.config/guix/current \
# -p $HOME/.guix-profile \
# -p /run/current-system/profile)"

causes issue only when managed by guix home if I use regular file not managed by guix home it not an issue (AFAIR before I switch to using guix home they were there).

The nix problem remains though…

I think that the only difference between a regular guix configuration and guix-home is the files .profile .bash_profile .bashrc ( and the zsh equivalent).
I would try to find the differences and try to modify the guix-home files to generate the same result.

Explore sourcing manually different profiles and the same would go for nix.
Also try sourcing .zprofile and .profile to see if there is any difference.

And confirm if the nix daemon is running (I’m not a nix user, I’m not sure what to do to fix it).

You mean like, disable the home-zsh-service-type and all, then see the default "shell" configuration files that guix provides vs what I have to see what guix provides by default?

The .zshrc and .zshenv are my own and is still same when I’m managing them with guix home though.

Same for .bashrc.

.profile file is not manged by me it is by default manged by guix and is a symlink to a store item.

For nix I think I should open a separate thread for it.

Yes, I did it like that, disabling all the shell services and looking for differences between the working configuration and what guix-home generates.

guix-home creates a .profile file, you should probably check your current file one created by guix home container . I’m using debian (and alpine) with guix-home, I’m not sure what would be different if you are using a Guix system.

OK, so I disabled home-bash-service-type and home-zsh-service-type and tried my guix home configuration in guix home container. It looks like only creates a .profile file, there is no .bashrc or .zshrc or anything else.

The content of the .profile file are,

MachineY% cat .profile
. $HOME_ENVIRONMENT/setup-environment

Similar to what I have on my regular system.

I also tried installing Guix on a VM everything default, didn’t even change my user shell to zsh and it generates a .bashrc, .bash_profile and .zprofile file by default,

Here are the contents of .bashrc

as@guix-virt ~$ cat .bashrc
# Bash initialization for interactive non-login shells and
# for remote shells (info "(bash) Bash Startup Files").

# Export 'SHELL' to child processes.  Programs such as 'screen'
# honor it and otherwise use /bin/sh.
export SHELL

if [[ $- != *i* ]]
    # We are being invoked from a non-interactive shell.  If this
    # is an SSH session (as in "ssh host command"), source
    # /etc/profile so we get PATH and other essential variables.
    [[ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]] && source /etc/profile

    # Don't do anything else.

# Source the system-wide file.
[ -f /etc/bashrc ] && source /etc/bashrc

alias ls='ls -p --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -l'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'

Here are the contents of .bash_profile,

as@guix-virt ~$ cat .bash_profile
# Set up Guix Home profile
if [ -f ~/.profile ]; then . ~/.profile; fi

# Honor per-interactive-shell startup file
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi

# Merge search-paths from multiple profiles, the order matters.
eval "$(guix package --search-paths \
-p $HOME/.config/guix/current \
-p $HOME/.guix-profile \
-p /run/current-system/profile)"

# Prepend setuid programs.
export PATH=/run/setuid-programs:$PATH

Here are the contents of .zprofile,

as@guix-virt ~$ cat .zprofile
# Honor system-wide environment variables
source /etc/profile

# Merge search-paths from multiple profiles, the order matters.
eval "$(guix package --search-paths \
-p $HOME/.config/guix/current \
-p $HOME/.guix-profile \
-p /run/current-system/profile)"

# Prepend setuid programs.
export PATH=/run/setuid-programs:$PATH

There is no

GUIX_PROFILE="/home/apoorv/.config/guix/current" . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"

So I guess we can leave it. I think this is for foreign distributions only, like when you install guix on another distribution.

Though it does have (in both .bash_profile and .zprofile) this,

# Merge search-paths from multiple profiles, the order matters.
eval "$(guix package --search-paths \
-p $HOME/.config/guix/current \
-p $HOME/.guix-profile \
-p /run/current-system/profile)"

Though when I put this in .zprofile and manage it via guix home none of the programs installed via guix home shows up in dmenu.

Thanks for posting this, I’m using guix in a foreign distro but I’m sure this will be useful when I try guix system. I can’t look at your configuration in detail right now but I noticedthat .guix-profile is not sourced try adding this.

# Source guix-profile
export GUIX_PROFILE=~/.guix-profile
. $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile

You should probably try sourcing the profiles and then call dmenu from the terminal (I believe if you call it from a key or a launcher the shell from which it launches would be different)

  • Source the profiles manually, then see if you can find your applications.
  • To source guix-home you can use guix-home/setup-environment (I think).

No I meant, I remember when you install guix on a foreign distro, at the end of the installation (via script) it recommends to add this,

GUIX_PROFILE="/home/apoorv/.config/guix/current" . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"

Its where I got it from (I think) and is not needed on guix system (I guess).

Though if I uncomment this,

eval "$(guix package --search-paths \
-p $HOME/.config/guix/current \
-p $HOME/.guix-profile \
-p /run/current-system/profile)"

in my .zprofile file managed by guix, dmenu doesn’t show any programs installed via guix home, though all programs are accessible from terminal, like I can type firefox in terminal it launches.

Not sure, I’m gonna keep this commented, as it doesn’t seem to make any difference and the guix shell problem is fixed by removing this,

GUIX_PROFILE="/home/apoorv/.config/guix/current" . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"

No I meant, I remember when you install guix on a foreign distro, at the end of the installation (via script) it recommends to add this,

Good to know. At least its just a dmenu issue. I’m using rofi, and some applications do not show up (Milkytracker, emacs) but I’m still able to launch them.

Yea, I should open another post for this issue as well. Guix shell issue is fixed, I have marked your reply above as answer.