Org table | character in cell text issue

Is there a way to have | character in the org table cell

i am trying to create the above table in org.

i tried \| but it didn’t worked

Use \vert, as per Org’s documentation:

To insert a vertical bar into a table field, use ‘\vert’ or, inside a word ‘abc\vert{}def’.

So you example would be something like:

| Expression    | Explanation                                  |
| "ab"          | The string ab is required                    |
| 'a'           | The character a is required                  |
| 'a' 'b'       | First 'a' is required, then 'b' is required. |
| 'a'\vert{}'b' | ...                                          |

See also pipe - Is there a way to escape `|` inside tables? - Emacs Stack Exchange.