New Emacs Logo/Icon!

New Emacs Logo/Icon!
I’ve been using it for my app icon and on my dashboard since this morning.

And I can already sense half the population here staring at it silently, their left eye twitching…and then the left side of their face violently twitching as they get redder and redder… :rofl:

emacs logo - pink gold 1


As long as you made the icon with Emacs, then, hey, whatever floats your bloat.

Emacs: Candy Edition

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Haha, fantastic! Somehow I feel like this sort of thing should be a part of compute cuter :laughing:

Although looking at it the resources on there seem a bit outdated with a few broken links :disappointed:

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Good job fighting the soul crushing monotony and superflatness of contemporary GUI.

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That’s literally how I got started to talking to Prot about themes. He made the fairy floss one on that site. That’s why he made ef-summer. And then the rest is history. :upside_down_face:

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I wonder why you didn’t put two pink macs instead of a heart. That way you would have E macs :wink:


Don’t you mean Rose Gold™? :joy:

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@summeremacs did you design this logo? It’s awesome! I do a lot of writing in Emacs (blog) but the pencil still threw me off, in a good way.