I don’t like Emacs at all, and I prefer an editor like Helix.
Do you think we could use daily Guix and develop guile scripts without Emacs ?
Thank you very much
I don’t like Emacs at all, and I prefer an editor like Helix.
Do you think we could use daily Guix and develop guile scripts without Emacs ?
Thank you very much
Preface: I can’t really speak for Helix specifically.
From my little time with guix (although I use it regularly as a package manager), I doubt you’ll have too many troubles using guix without Emacs.
The main thing you will loose is the available packages for integrating the editor with guix (unless there is equivalent packages/plugins available for Helix).
Namely, this will be interactive REPL-based development with direct feedback, so you may have to run scripts manually or manually paste between a REPL and the editor.
That is (however) true for any Lisp-based language in editors without support for REPL-based development (not unique to guix, just wanted to point it out).
There are some other (minor) things (e.g. there is a way to pull Emacs packages from guix and install guix packages interactively from Emacs).
If you’re already developing some sort of Scheme/Lisp in Helix, I don’t think there is anything specifically to stop you from using guix.
You do not have to use Emacs for Guix at all.
If you want to write Guile scripts other editors like Helix might not have as much support. Still possible to do ofc