Grayjay in Guix?

Short: Has anyone got Grayjay running in Guix (native or with e.g. distrobox) and could share how? Grayjay App - Follow Creators Not Platforms

Grayjay is a pretty nice android app by FUTO (the ones that also sponsor e.g. to watch youtube, peertube, twitch etc. and they have now released desktop apps.

I’m trying to get it running in debian in distrobox right now, as I’m not familiar enough with Guix to try that. The app starts, but can’t seem to connect to anything to search.

On start, there are some dbus and TLS errors.

The app itself should be fine. I ran it in a debian desktop qemu vm and that worked fine.

I’m still playing around and try to figure this out, but thought it can’t hurt to ask if anyone else got it running or has an idea on how to fix it. Especially since this just hit me ( or mpv still work, so no biggie):

This is how I run it.

I added the --unshare-netns because without it, the app seemed to be trying to use wireguard interfaces instead of my default interface.

$ distrobox create --name grayjay --image debian:bookworm --unshare-netns
$ distrobox enter grayjay

### inside
$ sudo apt install libgtk-3-0 libnss3 libasound2
$ wget
# unzip
$ cd dl/grayjay/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64-v1/
$ ./Grayjay

At some point I also installed these (random sources, not sure exactly from where/if needed):

sudo apt install libgtk-dotnet3.0-cil
sudo apt install xdg-desktop-portal
sudo apt install xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
$ ./Grayjay 
Directories:Base Directory: /home/ck/dl/grayjay/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64-v1/
Directories:User Directory: /home/ck/Grayjay
Directories:Temporary Directory: /home/ck/dl/grayjay/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64-v1/temp_files
Directories:Log file path: /home/ck/dl/grayjay/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64-v1//log.txt
T:PortFile path: /home/ck/dl/grayjay/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64-v1/port
T:StartingUpFile path: /home/ck/dl/grayjay/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64-v1/starting
T:Created StartingUpFile, removed PortFile
Program:Main: StateApp.Startup
StateApp:Startup: Initializing PluginEncryptionProvider
StateApp:Startup: Initializing DatabaseConnection
StateApp:Startup: Ensuring Table DBSubscriptionCache
StateApp:Startup: Ensuring Table DBHistory
StateApp:Startup: Initializing Download Cycle
StateDownloads:Started downloading cycle
StateDownloads:Ended downloading cycle
Program:Main: StateApp.Startup finished (98ms)
Program:Extra args: 
Program:Main: Starting DotCefProcess
CEF:CEF directory '/home/ck/dl/grayjay/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64-v1/cef'.
CEF:Working directory '/home/ck/dl/grayjay/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64-v1/cef'.
CEF:CEF exe path '/home/ck/dl/grayjay/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64-v1/cef/dotcefnative'.
--change-stack-guard-on-fork=disable --disable-chrome-runtime --parent-to-child 113 --child-to-parent 116 --disable-web-security --use-views 
Program:Main: Starting DotCefProcess finished (5ms)
Program:Main: Starting window.
Receive loop started.
GrayjayServer:RunServerAsync: Called with (proxyUrl = ).
CEF:[1220/] Pipe set handles readFd 113, writeFd 116
CEF:[1220/] Cache path: /tmp/dotcef_1734720976775
CEF:[1220/] Web security may only be disabled if '--user-data-dir' is also specified with a non-default value.
CEF:[29261:29319:1220/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
CEF:[29261:29334:1220/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
CEF:[29261:29334:1220/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
CEF:[29261:29319:1220/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get: object_path= /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: No such interface “org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser”
CEF:[29261:29319:1220/] Failed to read portal version property
Received notification Ready
Client is ready.
CEF:main with processType = 1.
CEF:Argument 0: '/home/ck/dl/grayjay/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64-v1/cef/dotcefnative'.
CEF:Argument 1: '--type=zygote'.
CEF:Argument 2: '--no-zygote-sandbox'.
CEF:Argument 3: '--string-annotations'.
CEF:Argument 4: '--enable-crash-reporter=,'.
CEF:Argument 5: '--user-data-dir=/tmp/dotcef_1734720976775'.
GrayjayServer:RunServerAsync: Static files path '/home/ck/dl/grayjay/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64/Grayjay.Desktop-linux-x64-v1/wwwroot'.
GrayjayServer:RunServerAsync: MapWhen Websocket.
GrayjayServer:RunServerAsync: Start StateCasting.
Received notification WindowOpened
Window opened: 1
StateCasting:Casting listener starting
New address discovered
New address discovered
CEF:[29261:29261:1220/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.portal.Secret.RetrieveSecret: object_path= /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface “org.freedesktop.portal.Secret” on object at path /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop
Received notification WindowFocused
CEF:[29261:29261:1220/] Failed to retrieve secret: No response from portal.
Keyring:Falling back to file keyring
Program:Main: Starting window finished (186ms)
Program:Main: Waiting for ASP to start.
Received notification WindowLoadStart
Received notification WindowLoadEnd
T:Sync key pair initialized (public key = SfjoSyRZTbALo7uAbi0Sl3Bnk59BT4i5ELFN+uEdBXo=)
T:Running on port 12315 (TCP)
T:Running auto reconnector
CEF:[29261:29465:1220/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
CEF:[29261:29465:1220/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
CEF:[29261:29465:1220/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
CEF:[29261:29465:1220/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
CEF:[29261:29465:1220/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
GrayjayServer:RunServerAsync: Server running on
Program:Main: Waiting for ASP to start finished (41ms)
Program:Main: Readytime: 333ms
T:Created PortFile, removed StartingUpFile
Program:Main: Navigate.
StateDownloads:Started downloading cycle
StateDownloads:Ended downloading cycle
Program:Main: Waiting for window exit.
FUTO Updater v1
Operation: Check
 - server:
 - wantedVersion: -1
 - forceCheck: False
Root Exception: Could not retrieve last version from
The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
   at FUTO.Updater.Lib.UpdaterClient.GetLastVersion() + 0x249
   at FUTO.Updater.Client.Program.Check(Dictionary`2) + 0x2ab
   at FUTO.Updater.Client.Program.Main(String[] args) + 0x33b
Program:No new updates
Received notification WindowLoadStart
StateTelemetry:Failed to submit launch telemtry

ManagedThreadPool:New threadpool created (6)
Received notification WindowLoadEnd