Guix/Guile Scheme/Lisp developed programs in other distros

I use NixOS, what are some programs that are developed in Guix or use Guile Scheme that are available, either via the Guix package manager or in repos, in other distros?

I know the Nyxt web browser is a big one, but are there any others?

dwl-guile is a Wayland tiling window manager

nomad is a (no longer developed?) browser like Nyxt written in Guile

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Nyxt is developed in Common Lisp, but ambrevar did great work on popularizing GUIX. His blog (sadly not active anymore) was such an enlightment. End user scheme applications are rare. Frameworks are more widespread

You might have a look here


Ambrevar’s blog was a big inspiration for me, he’s the reason I stuck with EXWM long enough to really understand the value of it. It’s a pity that the blog is no longer around!

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I sometimes use the wayback machine to inspire others by showing them his blog. But scheme is niche and I am the only one who uses it at work from time to time. Python is way more productive for new programmers. I stopped trying to convince people. You get it or you don‘t. Same for Smalltalk (my main programming language)

I hope to become a scheme master after getting retired. 5 more years to go

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Some gnucash extensions are written in guile, if you’re of the double-entry bookkeeping bent (and really, is there any better way to keep your finances than double-entry?)

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Didn’t know about that! Double-entry is awesome, I secretly wish I had more time to learn accounting better.

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There is also ledger by John Wiegley with an Emacs interface. Not scheme, but quite handy

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Ledger and hledger are awesome, I really want to get a full accounting setup going with one of them.

Is that ?
Admittedly, never heard about him, but now I’m curious. It seems the blog is not just inactive, it’s gone.

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I don’t know too, but you can find snapshots in archives.*/

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Yep, he’s one of the developers on the Nyxt browser. Here’s an archive of his site back when it was active:


I still need to go through his posts… I had a bunch of them bookmarked to read later and then when I got around to it it was gone. He really had some cool posts showing how awesome Guix could really be.


I don’t think this is exactly what’s being asked for, but Andrew Tropin has a small collection of places where Guix is used in production:

Here is the discussion, there looks to be one more in there at the moment: